BG's, In Focus

This past year, I’ve been doing some experimenting with my backgrounds. Been trying to mimic that out-of-focus / blurry look, where the foreground subject is in focus, and the background or surroundings are out of focus. And while it’s a neat effect, I do feel funny about it sometimes, because the backgrounds that I draw are sometimes kinda pretty, and it feels weird to blur out all that work.

Some of the backgrounds are simple though, and so there’s not really a lot lost when it’s blurred out.

Still, I’d hate for the work not to be seen. If you know me, you know I like doing backgrounds. They are just as important or a part of the piece as the person or subject in it. And there is no rule or law saying that you need to have it all visible or clearly seen for every piece. Whatever you choose, the BG should still stand out, even if ends up being fuzzy and soft.

As our good buddy Friday puts it…. ;)

Just the Art


Just art, no bull….

Not that I need another Twitter account, but here we are! Be sure to follow @bgnArts on Twitter for all your BGN art needs! This account is just a retweet account, where I will post or retweet any art I make from my two main accounts, @84elcamino and @bgnightmode. That’s all it is, no funny memes, no weird food pics, no New Mexico weather posts, just the art (Do keep in mind that it will feature my mature-content art from my AD account too. Viewer discretion is advised!)

I wanted to have a way for folks to browse the art I have on Twitter, but without having to go through all my other posts. This account actually isn’t that new, I’ve had it for quite a while now but just never had a chance to actually use it. I’m hoping to stay up to date on it so I don’t miss any posts. I got most of 2020 retweeted so now 2021 should be off to a good start. We’ll see how it goes!

12 Days of BGNmas

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me…

Twelve Drummers Drumming….

Eleven Pipers Piping…

Ten Lords A Leaping…

Nine Ladies Dancing…

Eight Maids A Milking…

Seven Swans A Swimming…

Six Geese A Laying…

Five Golden Rings…

Four Colly Birds…

Three French Hens…..

Two Turtle Doves…

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree…

M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ; )