Just the Art


Just art, no bull….

Not that I need another Twitter account, but here we are! Be sure to follow @bgnArts on Twitter for all your BGN art needs! This account is just a retweet account, where I will post or retweet any art I make from my two main accounts, @84elcamino and @bgnightmode. That’s all it is, no funny memes, no weird food pics, no New Mexico weather posts, just the art (Do keep in mind that it will feature my mature-content art from my AD account too. Viewer discretion is advised!)

I wanted to have a way for folks to browse the art I have on Twitter, but without having to go through all my other posts. This account actually isn’t that new, I’ve had it for quite a while now but just never had a chance to actually use it. I’m hoping to stay up to date on it so I don’t miss any posts. I got most of 2020 retweeted so now 2021 should be off to a good start. We’ll see how it goes!